Publishing with Microsoft Expression Web

Step-by-step instructions on publishing your site with Microsoft Expression Web.

  1. Open your site in Microsoft Expression Web
  2. Click the “File” menu, then “Publish Site”
  3. Select the “FTP” option
  4. Fill in the following info:
    Remote Web site location:
    FTP directory: /public_html
  5. Click “Ok”
  6. You will be asked if you want to create a new web site in that location. Choose “Yes”.
  7. The next screen will show your local files on the left and the files on Zenutech’s server on the right. Select the “Local to remote” option.
  8. Click “Publish Web site”

For more details on publishing with Microsoft Expression Web, see the InformIT article “Publishing a Web Site In Microsoft Expression Web.

Posted 2008-03-18 in FTP,Web Development